Curling Québec Championship Calendar 2025-26

2025-26 CHAMPIONSHIP ALLOCATION (message from Curling Québec) 
Please note that clubs hosting junior events will receive an amount of $250/day of competition.
As a reminder, we allocate a minimum of one championship per region each season. At this time, clubs can only request to host a championship that has been allocated to their regional association. To request a championship, clubs must contact their regional association and it is the latter that will decide which club will host the championship. Interested clubs have until Friday, March 28 to submit the request to their regional association.
We then ask the regional associations to confirm whether a club in their region will host the championship and if so, which club by Monday, March 31 at the latest.
If championships are not requested by a club in the region to which it has been allocated, it will be added to our list of so-called orphan championships. On April 1st we will send all clubs the list of orphan championships. At that time, the championship can be requested by any club affiliated with Curling Québec. Clubs will have until April 21st to request an orphan championship. Here is a summary of the timelines:
April 5, 2025: Sending of the championship allocation schedule to regional associations and affiliated clubs
March 28, 2025: Deadline for clubs to apply to receive a championship allocated to their region (the request must be sent to your respective regional association)
March 31, 2025: Deadline for regional associations to confirm which club will receive the championships allocated to them
April 1, 2025: Sending of the list of orphan championships to regional associations and affiliated clubs
April 21, 2025: Deadline for clubs to apply to receive an orphan championship (the request must be sent to [email protected])

/ Click here to launch the document

Winners of OPEN Bonspiel

Équipe Martel






The tournament is over.  It was a weekend filled with social gatherings and Sturling topped off with a good dinner Saturday evening.  The winning team of the tournament. Click here to go to the photos album


Bonne fête

Bonne fête à Lise Ryan

Perfect Sturling end by Noreen

Newsletter Curling Quebec sept 29, 2024

Congratulations Jocelyn


2022-2023 Volunteer of the Year Meritas Award

On March 15th, during the mixed bonspiel at Vallée-de-la-Gatineau Curling Club, Mr. Jocelyn Carle received the Volunteer of the Year Meritas Award. The award was presented by Mr. Richard Gervais, one of Curling Quebec’s valued board members. Mr. Carle was selected as the recipient of this award due to his many years of dedication at the Vallée-de-la-Gatineau Curling Club. (read more)




Please note the following dates in your calendar
  • April 5 - End of league activities
  • April 9 - AGM (Annual General Meeting)
  • April 11,12,13 - U-15 Regional final tournament
  • April 19 - 5 to 7 Closing party
  • Curling Québec Newsletter March 28

    Curling Québec Newsletter March 21

    Hall of Fame application


    APPLICATION FORM 2023-2024 (french only)

    DELIVERY DATE: BY WEDNESDAY APRIL 10, 2024, 11:59 p.m.

    Invitation tournoi de femmes / Ladies One night tournament



    Saturday April 6

    Start at 9:30

    Round robin style tournament with scholarships for the final winners and consolation

    A meal would be served at the end of the day.

    Please register for the club by marking your name on the registration sheet. Otherwise, write to Judy at [email protected]

    July 25, 2024 Curling Quebec Newsletter

    Our Ice Team


                                                              Ryan Woodhouse

    Nouveau membre de l'équipe de glace  Thumb ryan The latest addition to the ice team


    January 11, 2024 Curling Quebec Newsletter

    Curling Quebec Newsletter Dec. 7, 2023

    English version of many hot and current Curling topics that may concern our club

    Curling Quebec Newsletter Nov, 30

    Calendar of Curling activities in the Outaouais region

    Click on the Tournament/Bonspiel/Series of the Home page above

    Invitation to Mixed Bonspiel of Buckingham

    Registrations 2023-24

    Hey! Hey! Registrations


    The new curling season gets underway. Registrations for the 2023-24 will be held starting Monday September 25 until Thursday September 28, 2023 from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. every day at the Curling club.



    Note: You can print the form from the “Registrations” page of the website and bring it with your payment

    New senior league in Thurso

    If you are interesed in joining this senior league in Thurso  click

    CCVG wins Recongnition awards

    Infolettre Curling Québec Newsletter


    Notice of General Meeting


    You are hereby summoned, members, to the special meeting of the CCVG, which will be held on
    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 AT 7:00 p.m.
    at the CCVG premises located at
    50, rue commercial in Maniwaki, Quebec.
    The draft agenda includes:
    1. Opening of the meeting;
    2. Reading of the notice of meeting and verification of compliance of the meeting and the achievement of the quorum;
    3. Reading and approval of the minutes of the last annual meeting and special general meetings;
    4. Presentation of the directors' annual report;
    5. Presentation of financial statements;
    6. Discussion and approval of the directors' report and financial statements;
    7. Election of directors;
    8. Brief review of the special general meeting of March 29 and Presentation of the resolution to the City of Maniwaki.
    9. Approval of any rejection, addition, amendment or reinstatement of an article of the general regulations of the Club;
    10. Speaking to members (maximum 30 minutes);
    11. Miscellaneous;
    12. Closing of the meeting

    Your presence will be greatly appreciated




    Hall of fame nomination


    The Board of Directors invites you to submit nominations for the HALL OF FAME. You will find the Laureate Nomination Policy and the form on the CCVG website and at the Club. Please note that the nomination closes at 5:00 p.m. on April 7, 2023. Completed forms must be submitted to François Côté by email at cotefrancois @ or left for his attention at the Club.

    Click here to view the form to fill out

    Curling Québec Newsletter of Jan. 19, 2023

    Fresh News from Curling Québec

    Wishes from the Direction

    Training available for coach and Ice technician


    Curling Québec Newsletter of Nov. 17

    Click to view the content

    Pebbles training

    2nd and last training to make the pebbles: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 at 7:00 p.m. at the Club.

    Only members who have received one of the two courses offered by Nelson will be allowed to make the pebbles.

    Infolettre Curling Canada Newsletter

    Nouvelles de Curling Québec News

    Social nights and committees

    Jean-Michel Ménard team wins gold at Mixte World gold

    Jean-Michel, Annie Lemay, Ian Belleau and Marie-France Larouche wins world championship in Scotland...See CBC News


    Friday social evenings


    Last Friday, October 7, the first evening of social curling took place. This activity will be held every Friday from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. … and more … except weekends of tournaments and rentals. This activity is organized thanks to the idea and the great collaboration of Vice-President Judy McConnery. The formula ;

    • No commitment, you participate when you are available only.
    • No fees for members. It is not considered a league.
    • All guests and visitors are admitted. Free participation for the first time, $15 for each subsequent participation.
    • It is not mandatory to put your name on the "Friday Social Night, but priority may be given to those registered, in the case of a participation beyond 16 people.
    • Possibility of meal delivery after the game, for those interested...

    Double mixte feat

    Rachel et Denis

    Golf tournament


    Newsletter #001 First Rock Program

    Newsletter #017 - Reminder of important dates

    8 ender at the club

    Bravo à Clément Chabot, Judy McConnery, Ted Decontie et Lisa Hébert. Ils ont réussi cet exploit contre l'équipe de ...hummm.....on va garder ça secret! /


    Ils ont réussi l'exploit contre l'équipe de....hummmm...;;;

    ;;;Congratulations to Clément Chabot, Judy McConnery, Ted Decontie and Lisa Hébert. They achieved this feat against the team of ...ummm.....we will keep it a secret!

    Newsletter #016

    Newsletter #015

    #014 Newsletter

    Winning card of Open Tournament


    Tournoi Open résultats

    March 11-13 OPEN tournament

    Click on Calendar Open Tournament Curling Québec  on this page to see all details

    Newsletter 013

    Newsletter #012

    Newsletter #011

    Mixed Bonspiel April 8 to 10, 2022

    Click on calendar Mixed Bonspiel to see the details

    Communiqué 2022-010 / Newsletter 2022-010

    Measures from Curling Québec February 14, 2022

    Communiqué #9 - Newsletter #9

    News from Curling Québec

    Curling is back

    The government has announced several measures that will come into effect soon, including the green light for sports matches starting on the 14th.  We should receive more details from the authorities in the next few days (mask, social distancing, locker room capacity, etc.) and as usual, we will forward all this information as soon as possible.

    In the meantime, get your shoes out of the closet and change your brush head, curing will start again very soon 😉

    Practices continue until mid-February

  • Click on Calendar to see the current schedule for contact in schedule to book an ice block
  • News from Curling

    Newsletter #7- Practices for jan 17-21 week


    Practice reservation table

    Newletter 006 - Practice of curling during confinement

    Newsletter #5

    Newsletter #4

  • Topics
    1. Ice reservation for the Holidays
    2. Payment of the balance of your registration
    3. Periods of practice and training
    4. Need for instructors - Blizzard and Juniors programs
    5. Safety - defibrillator and mask wearing
    6. Bonspiel and other activities after the holidays
    7. Suggestion box
  • Click here to see all the details
  • Mixed Bonspiel

    Newsletter #3

    External Bonspiel for

    Newsletter #1

  • Notice about registration

    Newsletter #016 Calling Notice

    GOLF...GOLF....GOLF (25 sept)

    Vallée-de-la-Gatineau CURLING CLUB GOLF DAY:

    SEPTEMBER 25 OYÉ! OYÉ! THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS INVITE YOU TO PARTICIPATE IN A “4 BALLS, BEST BALL” DAY OF GOLF ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 AT 1:00 PM - “shot gun” YOU CAN REGISTER ($ 20 per person) + cart ALONE OR IN A TEAM BY COMMUNICATING WITH GUILLAUME BOISVERT AT: [email protected] or at 819-208-2692 Formula without dinner. Bring your cooler with drinks and light lunch if desired. For "without golf" formula: social meeting from 3:00 pm. Information also available by contacting Denise or Michel at Domaine de l'Île Patry: 819-465-3654)

    2021-22 season launch -newsletter #014

    Newsletter 013 Elections

    Newsletter #012

    Newsletter #011

    Containment and Curfew (update)


    Newsletter #010

    Xmas wishes 2020

    Newsletter #009

    newsletter #008

    Newsletter #007

    Newsletter #006

    Newsletter #005

    Newsletter #004

    Newsletter #002

    Restrictions sanitaires de Curling Canada sanitary restrictions